Complaints concerning financial claims or services in the field of transportation of persons, objects and animals provided by Koleje Śląskie may refer to:
- non-performance or undue performance of transportation contract,
- completely or partially unused ticket (tickets),
- issued request for payment for passage without a valid ticket or document confirming entitlement to reduced fare or free passage.
Grievances concerning quality of the provided services and compliance with rights and obligations of passengers under Regulation (WE) No. 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council (art. 27) or grievances concerning particular employees, as well as applications may be submitted in writing:
- personally or by letter to the address:
Koleje Śląskie Sp. z o.o.
ul. Raciborska 58
40-074 Katowice
- through online complaint form
or to the e-mail address only in case of internet tickets, mobile tickets or issued requests for payment (in other cases you should attach the original passage ticket)
Complaints should include:
- date of complaint,
- name and address of the carrier,
- name and surname (company name) and residential address (address of the seat) of the entity submitting the complaint,
- title of complaint and grounds for it,
- amount of the claim separately for each ticket and the name of the bank and number of the account, to which the carrier should potentially transfer the due amount in case the complaint is acknowledged,
- list of documents attached,
- signature of a person authorized to submit the complaint,
- complaint concerning issued request for payment for transportation of persons or objects should also include the series and number of all issued requests.
Depending on the subject of the claim, the person submitting the complaint should attach also original tickets or originals/certified copies of otherdocuments connected with type and amount of the claim, including the documents confirming entitlement to free passages or reduced tickets.
If the complaint does not comply with the conditions specified above, KS shall request the claimant to remedy the deficiencies within 14 days from receipt of such request. Failure to comply with that request results in the complaint being left unprocessed. The date of submission of the missing information shall be deemed to be the date of submission of the complaint.
In order to facilitate and accelerate the transfer of the due amount in case your complaint is acknowledged, please indicate the name of the bank and your account number.
Complaints concerning:
- return of the price for completely or partially unused tickets or non-performance or undue performance of transportation contract may be submitted not later than before the lapse of one year from the date of the event,
- requests issued in the train concerning transportation of persons or objects/animals may be submitted only within 3 months from the date of receipt of the request,
- failure to show a document confirming entitlement to free passage or reduced ticket may be submitted only within 7 days from the date of passage.
The answer to the complaint shall be given without delay, yet not later than within 30 days from the date of its receipt by the carrier and it should include:
- name and seat of the carrier,
- information about whether the complaint was acknowledged or not,
- legal grounds along with justification in case the complaint is not acknowledged (as a whole or in part),
- in case the claim is acknowledged – the acknowledged amount and information about the manner in which it is to be paid,
- information about the right to bring the action to the court of local jurisdiction,
- signature of the carrier.
Detailed information referring to the manner in which the complaints are examined is presented in the Regulations concerning Carriage of Persons, Animals and Objects (RPO-KŚ – Polish only).
Complaints and applications without names or surnames, without names of entities submitting the complaints, or without the residential address, shall be left unprocessed. They shall be treated as valuable observations of Passengers.
KS shall respond to the complaint not later than within 1 month from the date of submission of the complaint/application or – in justified cases– inform the passenger about the period not exceeding three months within which the passenger may expect the answer.
The responses to complaints or applications are submitted by e-mail or sent to the address indicated in the content of the complaint/application.
Detailed information referring to the manner in which the complaints are examined is presented in the Regulations concerning Carriage of Persons, Animals and Objects (RPO-KŚ – Polish only).
The body responsible for compliance with the provisions of the Regulation (WE) no.1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23rd October 2007 concerning rights and obligations imposed on rail passengers (EU Journal of Laws L of 2007, No. 315, item. 14):
Office of Rail Transport, 134 Al. Jerozolimskie Street, 02-305 Warsaw, helpline number: 801 044 080 or 22 460 40 80, e-mail address: